It is important to understand the type of compensation you’re entitled to claim for injuries received from an accident and the process involved. Many people think claiming compensation is a straight forward process, however it can leave you exposed to insurance...Read More
It is important to know the “Dos and don’ts” of trying to claim compensation for workplace injuries. People tend to believe claiming compensation for workplace injuries is an easy process, however there are stringent time restrictions you have to comply with when...Read More
An option clause is a term in a commercial lease that allows a tenant to renew their lease at the end of the original lease period if they meet certain conditions. Landlords are not obliged to offer a renewal option. However, it is usually in the interests of both...Read More
If you have sustained an injury as a result of a motor vehicle accident (MVA) and are thinking of making a claim for your injuries, it is important to know the “Dos and don’ts” of trying to claim compensation. Many people think claiming compensation for MVA injuries...Read More
So you have found a business and you have your heart set on buying it. Or maybe you work for a business that looks like it is being sold. Congratulations that’s great news! However, before you rush off to hand over the purchase price or greet the new owner of the...Read More
It is important for everyone over 18 to have a Will to make sure their wishes are followed and their assets are distributed as they would want after they die. If you don’t have a Will your assets will be divided according to how the law dictates in the rules of...Read More